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My Big World - Playscapes

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Light Table & Aqua Gems

Everyone knows that toddlers are a whole different creature. Cute and lovable, independent and storming. I needed something new to keep little missy doodle busy. She is 15 mos. old but any preschooler would love to do this. Heck, my 14 year old played around with these for a while. Some people call them aqua gems, some call them water beads.

You find them in the floral section. Caution: Children should be supervised as these shouldn't be eaten. To make the light table, you'll need: 2 clear bowls, 1 strand of white Christmas lights, aqua gems, and a dark space.
Simply place the lights over an inverted bowl. Put the other bowl on top. Fill with aqua gems. Turn out the lights. It's sooo cool!
Little missy doodle put a spin on it. After a little while, she popped up and walked away. I thought, "well, she is done." Nope. She returned with her Sesame Street characters and Elmo, Cookie Monster, Bert, and Ernie went for a swim! :)