🐸My Etsy Sh🌎p🐸

My Etsy Shop

My Big World - Playscapes

Sewing Fairy House kit coming soon

I want to do some fairy house making kits in my etsy store that were specialized.  I think the Sewing Fairy has a very important job.  She makes all the garments for the fairies and quilts the baby blankets for the baby fairies.  She has all the tools that she needs to sew up something special.

Coming soon to:


Field of Wishes

 This weekend is Graduation for the Class of 2013.
My daughter is Graduating.
I am not sure if I should be happy...
or sad
First, when did I become old enough to have a kid that's graduating?
Second, how can I slow down time?
She will be off to college in August
So our Gilmore Girl life is about to change.
A lot.
Recently, on a walk together, we saw a whole field of dandelions.
My senior said, "It looks like a field of wishes."
I wish for her a field of wishes
happiness and adventure and love and...all that plus more rolled into one giant jellyroll :)
Congrats Class of 2013
this is only the beginning