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My Etsy Shop

My Big World - Playscapes

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

My Big World Etsy Shop Review

A recent customer left this review on my etsy shop. :)

Have a fun and playful day

Craft Day Tuesdays - Whimsicals

That's what I call them.
Don't they just look whimsical?
I saw a bag of these shiny pom pom balls in Michael's and knew exactly what I was doing with them.
Last week, I donated 25 playscape minis to my local children's hospital.  I included 2 Safari Ltd Toob animals and a few of these guys with each playscape.
To make them is super easy.
Simply hot glue one googly eye to one pom.  Kids can roll them or pretend they are monsters or critters or...the play possibilities are endless.
They kind of remind me of the Coal Sprites from the animated movie Spirited Away - great movie!

Have a fun and playful day

Friday, June 26, 2015

Special Delivery to Children's Hospital

The rain held off long enough for us to deliver the 25 playscape minis to children's hospital this morning.

My late grandparents were kind and thoughtful and generous people. My late father in-law have generously of his time and money to help those in need. I have learned from their examples. They set the bar pretty high, but I am trying to follow in their footsteps.

Childhood should be magical and imaginative and fun. Sometimes, children have to have a little care or a lot of care at children's hospital. I hope that my playscape minis will make their stay a little better.

Have a fun and playful day

FREE shipping ends today

FREE shipping ends today on all playscapes in my etsy shop.
Today, I am delivering the playscape minis to my local children's hospital. I am so excited about that!
My daughter is also playing in a basketball tournament AND I am attending a 2 year old's birthday party. Very busy, indeed.

Have a fun and playful day

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

FREE shipping in my etsy shop for 2 more days

I Have so many ideas and so little storage that I am doing a sale in my etsy shop.


Have a fun and playful day

Monday, June 22, 2015

FREE shipping on any Playscape in my etsy store

Tomorrow through Friday, June 23-26, 2015 I am offering free shipping on all playscapes in my etsy store. They are boxed and ready to go!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Mushroom House Playscape Mini

I think this might be one of my Playscape minis that I have made. Gnomes stand guard or maybe they are waiting to greet guests. The red polka dot cap comes off so kiddos can play and put dolls or animals inside. A flower bed surround the tiny home. A cobble stone path leads to the front door. This is 1 of 25 Playscape minis that I will donate to children's hospital soon.

Have a fun and playful

Playscape Minis are Complete

 25 Playscape minis are done!!!
Boxes are ordered and will be here on Wednesday. I hope to deliver them on Friday.

With every stitch, I felt the encouragement of my late grandparents. They were true examples of selfless giving. I hope they are proud of this project.

More soon.

Have a fun and playful day

Friday, June 19, 2015

Making Stories Tangible - using props to make the story come alive

I have said, if I ever get a Master's degree or PhD, I am going to do a paper on Making Stories Tangible.

I have been in the early childhood field ad long time. I have observed children of all ages. I believe that if they have props to act out the story, it becomes more real to them and they retain the story for longer.

G recently made up a story about a dragon and a family of hedgehogs. I searched and searched to find a white dragon - her story specifically called for a white dragon. Then, I gathered up all the hedgehog toys I could. She reenacted the story multiple times, adding more details with each version.

I think that if children have props, toys, etc. To bring their story alive, their imaginations become tangible and it is an enriched experience.

Have a fun and playful day

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Just wanted to share a photo of my teepee playscape mini that I made today. This was #9 of 24 That I hope to donate to my local children's hospital.

Have a fun and playful day

More Playscape minis

I have Completed 10 of 24 Playscape minis for my local children's hospital. I am on a pace of 2 a day. Each one takes about 2-3 hours to make instead 4 to 6 hours for the ones I make for my etsy shop. I would like to have at least 15 done going into the weekend. I would like to donate them next week :)

Have a fun and playful day

Rainbow Forest Reimagined

Do you remember our Rainbow Forest? Inspired by Reggio, we created a 70+ tree forest with just clay and twigs.

The Rainbow Forest was on display and played with for the better part of a month. Soon, the forest was alone. Woodland animals were moved to New spaces. So, I packed the Rainbow Forest away. I thought about pitching it, but couldn't bear the thought of it in the trash bin.

When G was storytelling about the dragon and some hedgehogs, she said, "They should live in the Rainbow Forest!" Being late Spring, we decided to add some green foliage to the trees.

G worked for an hour or so cutting rough circles that would be the tree tops. (scissor skill exercise - yay!)

This is how it turned out! The Rainbow Forest just makes me smile.

Have a fun and playful day

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Playscape Minis for Children's Hospital

 I have started my Playscape minis that I am going to donate to my local children's hospital. I have taken a small break from my etsy store. There are still playscapes for sale, but I am not making any new ones for the shop for a bit.
 I have completed 6 so far. I want to make a total of 24 in all to donate. Each Playscape Mini will come with 2 or 3 Little animals.
This Rainbow Mountain one is my favorite!!! So far anyway :)

I made them minis are approximately 9 inches, hand-stitched, and whimsical. I thought if the playscapes were smaller, it would be easier to tuck away and the kiddos could play with them on their bed trays.

I will keep posting photos of the minis and my progress through this project.

Have a fun and playful day

Surprise at the Front Door

I came to work this morning and found this surprise at the Front door. I had to smile. Little Phoebe from next door left it. Too cute.
Have a fun and playful day

Busy Rainy Day

Rain rain go away...
Well, rain, we guess you can stay, because we are busy being creative inside.
G made up a story about a dragon and some hedgehogs. Today, I brought toys with me to make that story tangible. I will post pictures soon.
Also, we are painting on this rainy Tuesday morning.

Have a fun and playful day

Sunday, June 14, 2015

NEW in my etsy shop - camping playscape

 Completed less than 12 hours ago, my new woodland camping playscape play mat is now available in my etsy shop.
 I will be taking a break from making play mats for my etsy shop for a short while, as I am making some Playscape minis for my local children's hospital.
I will post photos of the minis soon. I am homing to have 20-24 done by the end of next week. Ambitious or crazy - not sure which! :) I will keep you posted on my progress.

Have a fun and playful day

New Etsy Playscape Coming Soon

I couldn't sleep in this morning. Too many ideas for playscapes running through my head. And I needed to photograph, edit, and list the play mat that I finished last night - a camping play mat! I will be listing it soon. Until the, you can see all my other playscapes on etsy by clicking the button to the right > or going to www.mybigworld2015.etsy.com

Have a fun and playful day

Friday, June 12, 2015

Fairy House Hollow Log Playscape

Fairy house hollow log Playscape Play Mat now available on etsy


Have a fun and playful day

Toddlers & Language Development

Roo is almost 2 years old and her language is flourishing right now. It's amazing.

Yesterday, we sat on the front porch swing with a toy catalog. She pointed to and named all the animals that she could. If she didn't know it, I would volunteer the word. She repeated it.

This simply act is building her vocabulary and strengthening her language skills.

Have a fun and playful day

New Project Part 1

I have felt...lead. Lead is the best word I can think of to describe it. I have felt lead for some time now to make some playscapes for our local children's hospital.

I Have been blessed to never have to have my children be a patient there, but I have a dear friend whose son has been in and out of the hospital since he was born - even received a new heart.

If you have read this blog much, you know that I am a nanny and was a preschool teacher before that. I have taught Sunday school and VBS since I was 12 years old. I am a mom to two now 17 and 20 year old beautiful, funny, kind daughters. And I am Auntie Mel to my 3 nephews and 3 nieces.

Children are a BIG part of my life.

My friend Brooke said, I think your playscapes would be perfect for children's hospital. If the child can't get out of bed, they can still play with the play mats on their table tray.

I am not sure if it is God leading me or something else. But I was recently in church and the preacher said, take care of the orphans and widows. And I thought, he is talking to ME.

So, I am starting my project. I am making playscape minis and mapping out how to get the most out of the fabric by strategically laying out patterns to maximize my value.

My vision is fun, whimsical, colorful Playscape minis with little animals - maybe 3 or 4 - for the kiddos to play and imagine. Recently, Joann had Safari Ltd toobs on clearance, so I scooped up a few. (and by a few, I mean a lot!) I will keep you posted.

Have a fun and playful day

How Do You Play?

I love watching children play. Their imaginations are almost tangible. They give different voices and storylines to each character. I have found that kiddos don't care if it's animals, people, Carebears all mixed together. They just play. G recently made up a story about a dragon and family of hedgehogs - two things that typically aren't associated together. But in her imagination it worked. And, when I heard her story, I was like...of course a dragon would live with a hedgehog family! I love that about children's imaginations.

Have a fun and playful day

Week in Pictures

 Yes, we did in fact paint sticks this week.  G has a huge collection of sticks.  We decided to paint a couple then turn them into musical instruments.

 Last week, puffy painting was a big hit. So we had to pick up new colors!
 The pet shop is right beside Joann, so of course we HAD to stop in and see the mice!
 Too hot to go outside, so we brought the bubble table inside for lots of clean fun.
Have a fun and playful day

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Passing your Childhood Memories on to your Children

When I was a kid, I had a small collection of unicorns. I had a very vivid imagination and thought that unicorns and Smurfs live in the woods behind my house. I would go exploring, hoping to catch a glimpse of these magical creatures.
Now, I have passed on my love of unicorns quite accidently to my nanny girls. I picked up several what I thought was random books. Each one had a unicorn in them! I totally didn't mean to. Honest.
Now, the girls play with small Safari Ltd or Schleich unicorns, draw pictures of unicorns, and make up stories about helping unicorns.
A dear friend of mine, Dani  is a young mother. She has passed on her love of Barbies to her daughter. I love that she posts pictures of the two of them playing with Barbies - some new Barbies right beside Dani's old ones from her childhood.
My daughter became obsessed with Smurfs after she found a box of my Smurfs in the basement of my parents' house. They were a little scuffed up, but she loved them. Then, she used her birthday money to buy new ones.
What toys from your Childhood did you introduce to your child?

Have a fun and playful day