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My Big World - Playscapes

Friday, June 24, 2016

Play - keep it simple

I believe that play needs to be simple. A few toys as to not overwhelm the child. A beautiful invitation to play. No bells, whistles, or blinking lights.

Imagination needs room to grow - not cluttered with too many toys, no sounds or lights cluttering the play process.

Have a fun and playful day

Fairytale Friday - the Dragon Sitter

In the heart of the forest, a Gnome lived all alone. He lead a solitary life, tending his garden and occasionally talking to a garden snail or blue bird.

One day, a Mother Dragon tripped into Gnome's yard. She had fourteen babies.

"I am so tired." the Mother Dragon said. "I need to find food for my babies and get them to listen."

Gnome didn't have anything else to do and he didn't know anything about dragons, but he volunteered to watch the baby dragons for the Mother.

The baby dragons LOVED the Gnome. They crawled all over him, ran in his yard, and listened while he read them stories.

When the Mother Dragon returned, Gnome invited the babies back the next day. That night, he built bunk beds for the babies to sleep in. He planted berry bushes all around his house for the dragons to eat. And he wrote down more stories to read to the babies.

The next day, the Mother Dragon brought her fourteen babies back to the Gnome for him to watch.

Word soon spread that Gnome was the most excellent Dragon sitter and trainer. Dragons from ALL over brought him their dragons to watch. Even a Prince from a nearby kingdom brought his Dragon to Gnome.

Gnome was not alone anymore. He barely had time to tend his garden. But Gnome was happier than he had ever been.

Have a fun and playful day

(Safari Ltd. Gnome, Dragon, mini dragons. My play mat)

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Play in Real Life

I had a woman email me. She stated that her daughter had this small guinea pig toy that she just loves. She asked if I could make a guinea pig mat.

Above is what I came up with. It's funny how a toy - a small piece of plastic - can be so precious, so treasured by a child. In our house, we have a guinea pig. We observe her mannerisms and activities. Then, our observations get translated into play.

I posted a pic on Instagram and another person asked me to make the same mat for her daughter. So I did with a smile.

Have a fun and playful day

Friday, June 17, 2016

Summer Sale

Make Imagination tangible.

Watch for more details coming soon.

I have been working away completing playscapes, painting teeny tiny mushrooms, and more! I have many more things to list in my Etsy shop www.mybigworld2015.etsy.com

Watch this weekend for a Summer Sale.

Have a fun and playful day

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Play is important

Play is important.

Play allows children to understand and work through the world around them.

Play is a creative outlet as well as a time to rest out their own theories.

Play is therapy.

Play is a basic need in a child's life, ranking right up there with food, water, home, and love.

Play should not be rushed or directed by an adult. Do this, don't do that. It needs to develop organically from the child. Step back; let the child just play.

Play develops connections in the brain that later helps with logical thinking and reasoning.


Have a fun and playful day

Friday, June 10, 2016

Graduation Party

 I don't typically put a whole lot of personal stuff on here or photos of myself, but I am tonight.  This girl graduated and I am so very proud of her. Freshman and sophomore years were so-so, but junior and senior year, she kicked it into high gear, pulling down mostly As.
 She is goofy and silly and can put a smile on anyone's face. We have too much fun together as you can probably tell.  I am her biggest cheerleader, but...more often than not...she is mine.
 M sister took some incredible pics of the party.  I am usually the one behind the camera. But for graduation weekend, I stepped out to be with my kid.
 My sister also painstakingly cut the watermelon shark. She said that it's not as easy as Pinterest says.  It never is, it never is.  I couldn't have survived senior year or this graduation weekend without my sweet mother in law.  She is a constant encourager to us all.
Ash had grand ideas about her party.  I think she was pleased with how everything turned out. College in the fall for this girl to study education.  Good luck!

Have a fun and playful day

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Rabbit Tea Party

 I was going through some old pictures. This one is from three years ago. Greta wanted to have a Rabbit Tea Party.
 We made a healthy snack of "rabbit friendly" foods and mint water.
It was the perfect backyard tea party.

Have a fun and playful day

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

New found energy

I have as new found energy. I really feel like I could solve the world's problems today. Ever have one of those days?

I have completed 3 playscapes today, started 2 more, and have 4 to list soon.

I am making travel plans. Summer vacation. After almost 17 years of marriage, I still am madly in love with my husband and love travel adventures with him.

I am plotting a trip to Europe with my mother in law. She has been before. I have not. But she would love to go back. I think I need to sell a whole lot of play mats to pay for THAT trip! (insert laughing crying emoji here!)

And I got this almost 3 year old to eat grapes today, so it has been a good day! I am celebrating big and small victories today.

I think that is what Life is - big and small moments.

Have a fun and playful day

Monday, June 6, 2016

How I Wake Up in the Morning

 I Wake up in the Morning thinking, how can I conquer the world today? I always have a mental list of projects that I want to do.
 I work about 80 hours a week. Some days, I conquer the world. Some days, the world conquers me. :)
Everyday is not perfect. But there is at least one perfect moment in every day. What is it that Dory says, "Just keep swimming..."

Have a fun and playful day

Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Imagination is a Colorful Place

I think the imagination is a Colorful place. Kiddos tend to use ALL the crayonsin the box. I want to encourage their colorful worlds with my imagination sparking items. I taught preschool for 12 years, Sunday School for many years, and am Auntie Mel to three nieces and  three nephews. My background is in early childhood development. I love kids. I love the way they phrase things and the way they think. I love to watch them play. It is my hope that my whimsical toys spark their imaginations.

Have a fun and playful day

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Twozies - New from the makers of Shopkins

These adorable babies and pets are called Twozies! They are from the maker of Shopkins.

They are tiny (babies are about 2 inches tall!) and sooo detailed. The babies were animal hats and have coordinating pets. I think I am more in love with the pets! Too cute!

They can be found at Toys R Us after June 14th. But I am giving you a sneak peek. I just love small toys!

Have a fun and playful day