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My Etsy Shop

My Big World - Playscapes

Monday, January 16, 2017

Weathered Forest

Maybe it is something deeply rooted in my childhood, but the forest has always captured my imagination.  In the hills of southeastern Ohio, my bare feet ran on mossy carpet, canopies of tall oak trees shielded me from the sun, and woodland smells tickled my nose.

I think about children who grow up in the city and how they may never know the simple treasure of growing up with a forest in your backyard like I did.  Maybe, just maybe, through my imagination-sparking toys, I can give them those treasure, too.

I live in a fairytale world. I really do.  My husband is part Prince Charming, part Constant Encourager.  I make things with my hands.  I create toys.  That's pretty fairytale like if you ask me.  I have an amazing family and extended family, who all support my craft.

If I dare to dream for more (which sometimes seems selfish), I would dream of travel. I want to see the world and translate it into toys to spark more imaginations.

I love the pins that Pinterest picks for me.  Yesterday, they picked the word Meraki - to do something with soul, creativity, love; to put something of yourself into your work.  I think that word is so fitting for me.  Melanie/Meraki

So, I am going to "put this out in the universe" as they say.  My goal for this year is to create more (not sure when I will sleep!), to open my Amazon Handmade store, to travel. My goals also include encouraging & empowering the women in my life more this year, cooking more (Heaven help us!), and donating to more causes that are special to my heart.

Do you make resolutions? Or do you set goals?

Have a fun and playful day!