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My Big World - Playscapes

Monday, February 26, 2018

Jane and Bravery Magazine

I found out about the Bravery Magazine after its successful kickstarter, but I was able to order their first magazine all about Jane Goodall.  The illustrations in this magazine really are works of art.  I loved it so much that I was inspired to create a Jane peg doll and invitation to play.

Big concepts like conservation can be explained through play.  The life work of Jane has helped us understand so much about primates and nature.

In this magazine, there are simple craft ideas, history made simple, and so much more.  I cannot wait until the second one.

Have a fun and playful day!

Little Leaders

Have you seen this book?

Little Leaders Bold Women in Black History

If you haven't, you should. It's a stunning book.  The illustrations are beautiful.  Thee biographies are simple and full of information.

I was inspired to make a few peg dolls based on the book.  Every bookshelf needs to have this book on it.  G is 7 and has read it for school. Roo is 4 and has asked for it to be read to her many times.

Have a fun and playful day!

Countdown to London

 When I married my husband, I gained his amazing and supportive and funny and zany family.  I am so blessed to have found Brian, who fully supports and encourages my little shop of imagination, but also to have his whole family supporting me in their own ways.  One of my brother in laws is good with finance, one with computers.

But it is my mother in law who is perhaps the biggest blessing of all.  She was, like me, a working mom (a librarian for many years in a private Christian school).  She talked me through ways of navigating mommy guilt, home-work balance, and more.

When my father in law was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer three years ago, it was a shock.  It was a time stops kind of thing.  We all banded together and pulled from our talents to help each other.  When he died a short 16 weeks after diagnosis, we knew that my mother in law could not stay on their 8 acre country homestead.

As we were packing up, purging, sorting, we came across items she had saved from her travels abroad with her school.  I am not sure which one of us said it, but we said we should go.  We laughed.  I said sure! if I sell 230 play mats we can go.  Random number.  Just said in the moment.

Well,,,fast forward one year later.  I did sell 230 play mats.  In fact, I sold a whole lot more.  So I said, maybe we should think about it.  My mother in law agreed.  So we started marking plans.
Fast forward a year and a half...and we are a little over 3 weeks from heading to London.  We will see London and Oxford and Avon and...well, it will be an adventure for sure.  We are over the moon excited about our trip.  My husband doesn't fly.  I have begged and pleaded to no avail.  He says, go and have fun!

I am also taking a felting class in Dorking when I go.  I am, perhaps, most excited about that.  I cannot wait to learn this new technique and implement it into my creations.  I will share some pictures from our travels.

Have a fun and playful day!