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My Big World - Playscapes

Sunday, April 8, 2018


 Last week in Ohio, we had a day where it was 70 degrees and the next day, it snowed!  Hopefully (all fingers and toes crossed), Spring is right around the corner.  There are sooo many learning opportunities in the Spring - plant life cycle, gardening, farm, baby animals being born.
 Just get outside and let the kiddos explore.
Have a fun and playful day!

Looks like a sensory table to me

Some people look at these and see side tables, but the preschool teacher in me sees sensory tables!  I know that I have a different way of looking at things, but can't you see this as a backyard sensory table for the littles?

Have a fun and playful day!

Color me learning

 Paint swatches are great for scissor practice.  They are colorful and FREE!
 The next time you are at the hardware store, pick up a handful and let the kiddos go wild with them.
They can also use paper punches to make shapes.  We plan to use these butterflies in a future spring art project.

Have a fun and playful day!

Scissor Practice - cutting herbs

 Cutting paper is fun.  Cutting fresh herbs is fun and stimulates the brain for learning.
  "Our sense of smell is the only sense that sends information directly to the brain...Researchers found that certain odors increase the ability to learn, create, and think" Pam Schiller, Start Smart 1999
 In this invitation to play, I added scissors, fresh herbs, and paint swatches.  Kiddos can cut the herbs, release the aroma, and color match the herbs to the paint swatches.
See previous posts for ideas on how we used the cut herbs to make soups and play dough.

Have a fun and playful day!

Fresh Herb Play Dough

  "Our sense of smell is the only sense that sends information directly to the brain...Researchers found that certain odors increase the ability to learn, create, and think" Pam Schiller, Start Smart 1999
 Simple ingredients made this play dough.
1 bottle hair conditioner
1 box corn starch
fresh herbs
The smell is sooo good!  Not only will this play dough energize brain cells, it will strengthen the small muscles in little fingers - those same muscles that will hold a pen and write their name.

Have a fun and playful day!

Herb Soup

 "Our sense of smell is the only sense that sends information directly to the brain...Researchers found that certain odors increase the ability to learn, create, and think" Pam Schiller, Start Smart 1999
Spring is an excellent time to awaken those brain cells.  Kiddos can gather greens, flowers, etc from the backyard and create soups, potions, and perfumes.  Here, I added some fresh herbs like rosemary, parsley, cilantro, and basil from the produce department of my local Kroger.  The smell is heavenly!

This would be a great outdoor activity or you could contain it to a sensory table as well.  The smells will energize little brains and bring nature in.

Have a fun and playful day!

Weekends are for laundry

 My weekends are just as full as my weekdays.  I think that's true for most of us.  Yes, I tend to sleep in a little later on the weekends, but my to do list never seems to go away. In fact, my weekend to do lists are usually longer than my regular to do lists. (Yes, I make a lot of to do lists!)
 Weekends are, for me, a time to cram in ALL that stuff you need and want to do, but at the same time, at a more relaxed pace.  When my kiddos were younger, I always tried to do fun things on the weekend first then chore stuff later in the day.  Then, when they got a little older, I was the mom taxi, driving from game to game or shopping for that perfect dress.
Weekends are creative time for me.  I read and sew and craft and set up tiny scenarios of a mom trying to do laundry and her children take over :)  I look forward to the weekends - not because I don't love my job (I do! I really do!) - but because there's a more relaxed time table.  I just breathe and relax and focus.

Have a fun and playful day!