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My Etsy Shop

My Big World - Playscapes

Sunday, February 22, 2015

My Big World Etsy Shop Launch Today!

 I launched the reopening of my Etsy shop today!  I am so excited to share this with you.  It's been a labor of love (and some crying, too!) for the past several months.
 There is a saying that goes something like, "there is good in the bad."  When my father in-law was diagnosed with Stage 4 brain cancer in September 2014. that's all we could think about.  I needed a distraction, something to take my mind off this.
 I needed a project.
 So in between visiting them and helping out and working, I started sewing.  It was therapeutic and a good distraction.  I am passionate about early childhood education (as most of you know) and I am a self-proclaimed geek when it comes to small toys like Schliech, Safari Ltd., Papo, Peter Rabbit, Tinkerbell, etc.  So why not combine the two?
 Playscapes are landscapes for imagination.  All hand-stitched with tiny details, these wool felt play mats are designed to encourage children's imaginations.  Maybe Peter Rabbit is in Mr. McGregor's garden again or...
 Maybe the fairies are hiding their treasures in this cave or the animals are having a camp out or...
 Maybe Hello Kitty and her friend are tending to their garden in the forest beside a stream of lily pads.
 Or maybe Mama Bear is watching her cubs play with their toy boat by the stream.  The possibilities are endless really.  Each whimsical playscape is all hand-stitched and filled with tiny details like tufts of grass, enchanting gardens, caves, twisting streams, hollow logs, stone pathways, 3D bridges, mossy patches, ponds, etc.  I have 4 to 6 hours in each playscape, but I love how they turned out.
Each one is approximately 15 inches by 15 inches.  Ready to ship. Ready to play.  There's a link over to the right hand side that will take you to my shop.

Have a fun & playful day!


  1. That's very creative, Melanie! I know kids are definitely going to have a great time playing with their toys if they had playscape. After all, it helps boost the imagination by a mile. Anyway, I have a feeling that your Etsy shop is blooming with customers, so I'll cut this comment short. Hahaha! Thanks for sharing that! More power to you! :)

    Cory Phil @ Front Burner Marketing, LLC

  2. Who would have thought that the tough times you were going through back then will pave the way to your new business? Indeed, there is good and bad. And those hand stitched products are so lovely, one could hardly you made them to distract yourself from the tough times you were going through. Anyway, I’m sure that not just kids, but also moms and teens w love your items!

    Gerard Reese @ Kafe Digital Marketing


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