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Monday, August 17, 2015

The Power of a Toy

Let me tell you a story about a very shy - very, very shy - 5 year old starting her first day of 5 day a week preschool today. She was anxious and excited but mostly anxious.

This morning, as she gathered up her backpack and shoes, she held onto Honey the Horse. Out of the 100s of horse (yes, she has that many!), Honey is her favorite.

Honey went on a family trip to California this spring and now to preschool. Honey, tucked carefully in her backpack, have her courage to face this new, unknown experience. Honey made her brave today.

The Power of a Toy.

We love Schleich animals - especially their horses - in this household. Today, one special horse gave this preschooler the courage to face the day and even ask a classmate to be her friend.

Thank you, Schleich, for being there today.

Have a fun and playful day

(photo from Schleich website?

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